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The revision of ISCO-08

ISCO-08 is currently being revised. This revision is conducted by the ILO Department of Statistics with the support of a Technical Working Group (TWG), as mandated by the 20th International Conference of Labour Statisticians (ICLS). In addition to the work undertaken by the TWG, global consultations will be conducted as well.

The objectives of the revision are:

  • To maintain ISCO up-to-date, following the changes happening in the world of work,
  • To revise and improve ISCO skill model and structure,
  • To modernize ISCO.

Timeline and milestones The revision of ISCO-08 is a multi-year process, the aim is to make the revised classification available on time for the next round of population censuses, in the year 2030.

During this process, there are two major milestones:

  • the 21st ICLS, in the year 2023: A report of advancement of work along with proposed modifications and improvement of ISCO will be discussed during the conference.
  • the 22nd ICLS, in the year 2028: A close to final draft revised ISCO will be discussed during the conference.
